Login with your Google account. Enter an email address associated with your Google account and click Next. Then enter your password and click Next. If you don't want to use your regular Google account with BlueStacks, you can create one for free using Gmail.
On this page you can download Bluestacks 4, an improved version of the Android emulator for PC. If you are visiting this page it is because you have heard about the BlueStacks emulator for PC. Well, BlueStacks 4 is an improved version of this well-known software which includes new options and improved features, remember that the early versions failed in the compatibility with many applications and games that seem to have been solved with this new version. Now let’s make the most of our games and apps squeezing to the maximum BlueStacks 4.
The very known BlueStacks android emulator can be used as a debugging/deployment emulator for programming / coding your android applications. As this emulator is very strong and reliable, it can be a good alternative to standart emulators. If you have problem running all the other emulators in your PC, you may want to give BlueStack a go for a try. Problem: Most typical problem with BlueStacks is the packing issue which lots of individuals have actually grumbled concerning. Typical problem is– “Stuck while loading, all it says is loading“. Multiple App Accounts Using BlueStacks When you use apps on a device such as an iPhone or Android phone, you may run into a situation where you want to have multiple accounts for the same app. Unfortunately, this can be very hard to do.
Sure you are impatient, but do not worry because you have the links just below.
Install requeriments for BlueStacks 4
- Be admin of our PC.
- 4GB of RAM memory.
- 5GB of free hard drive disk space (9GB recommended).
- Graphics card drivers updated.
Features of BlueStacks 4
![Bluestacks xbox 1 Bluestacks xbox 1](https://i.redd.it/rrcz7xbwdwl51.jpg)
Compatible with most Android apps
The compatibility achieved in BlueStack 4 is very high so you will be able to run any application or game without problems. To install them all you have to do is login into your Google Play account and start downloading. Although you also have the option to download the application from third parties (APK).
Supports full screen mode
We don’t need to enter so much in details but this feature is very important in an emulator because it allows us to enjoy the experience to full screen mode. This is an advantage especially if you want to use BlueStacks 4 for games.
Intuitive interface
Being an Android interface won’t be difficult to use because most of you already know it. The applications run exactly the same as in a terminal so you won’t have any problems. We specially recommend in this case configure key mapping and external devices.
Android with PC performance
Considering that a PC has a performance far superior to a mobile device we can achieve fluency and performance never seen. So if you like to play also I recommend it without a doubt.
Possibility to synchronize with PC
Mediante CloudConnect podréis sincronizar os datos con vuestro teléfono Android lo que os será de una ayuda enorme.
Installing BlueStacks 4
The first thing you must to do is uninstall (if you have one) the older version of BlueStacks and update the your graphic card drivers. Once this is done the installation process is simple. If you have a laptop I recommend that you first plug it into the power supply because the installation may require a lot of CPU resources and it’s not recommended to install Bluestacks 4 with the energy saving mode activated. Once you start to install you only have to follow the steps and everything will be installed correctly so you should not have any problems. Once this is done you will only have to start BlueStacks 4 and start enjoying.
Download BlueStacks for PC/Laptop with Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
- Títle: BlueStacks App Player
- File name: BlueStacks4_native.exe
- File size: 531.85MB (531,190,024 bytes)
- Requeriments: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, de Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (Works in all versions)
- Languages: Multiple languages
- Licence: Freeware
- Last update: December 25 2020
- Developer: Bluestack Systems Inc.
- Official website: www.bluestacks.com
After many tests in the lab we can say that BlueStacks 4 is the best Android emulator for PC and above we can download it for free. An essential option if we want to run our games or apps with the best emulation software. The only weak point is the $2 monthly fee we’ll have to pay to use it. Despite of this, it’s worth it if we are going to give it a real use. Download the links and try it, I promise you’ll love it.
Bluestacks is the most popular Android emulator in the market right now. However, we have seen a lot of people wondering whether the app is safe or not. Is Bluestacks safe? We are going to answer that question and more in this article.
Today, we are going to take a close look at Bluestacks and its features. We are also going to talk about its safety, security, and performance concerns. With that out of the way, let’s get started.
- 2 Is Bluestacks Safe?
What Is Bluestacks?
Bluestacks is an extremely popular Android emulator for Windows and Mac users. An Android emulator basically lets you run Android applications and games on your PC. It behaves like a normal Android smartphone and is very useful.
A lot of users use Bluestacks to play multiplayer Android games. The larger display and the controls of a computer are far better than a normal Android smartphone and it provides the players with an edge. You can also use it to auto collect coins in some games.
![Bluestacks 1 for windows 10 Bluestacks 1 for windows 10](https://support.bluestacks.com/hc/article_attachments/115017746146/image.png)
Is Bluestacks Safe?
A lot of Bluestacks users may have this question because some third-party antivirus software considers Bluestacks to be a virus. However, if you got your Bluestacks from the official website, then the alerts are false positives. In this section, we are going to take a look at the frequently asked safety and performance-related questions about Bluestacks. We have been using Bluestacks for quite a while now and here are our findings.
Does Bluestacks Contain Malware?
Even though some antiviruses flag Bluestacks, the truth is that the antivirus is being overly cautious. According to a lot of reputed antivirus software, Bluestacks is safe does not contain any malware. However, this is only applicable if the software was downloaded from the official Bluestacks website.
Bluestacks 1 Accounts
Even though Bluestacks does not contain any malware, you should always be careful while installing apps on the emulator. If you install an application that was downloaded from a shady website, then it’s not really Bluestacks’ fault.
Does Bluestacks Steal Your Google Account?
From what we have seen so far, Bluestacks does not steal your Google account. It asks you for an account during the setup because the Play Store needs at least one active account. This is the case on all Android smartphones.
If you are worried about a password leak, then you can always create a dummy Google account and sign in to Bluestacks with it.
Does Bluestacks Affect Performance?
Honestly, it depends on the computer that you are using. Bluestacks was designed to run on outdated hardware as well, but gaming on a PC with lower-tier hardware is out of the question.
Bluestacks has a list of minimum requirements:
- OS: Microsoft Windows 7 or above / Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra) or above.
- Processor: Any Intel or AMD Processor.
- RAM: At least 2GB of RAM.
- HDD: 5GB Free Storage Space.
- You must have Administrator rights( Needed to install any app).
- Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
The recommended requirements of Bluestacks are:
- OS: Microsoft Windows 10 / 10.15 (macOS Catalina)
- Processor: Intel or AMD Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score > 1000 and virtualization extensions enabled in the BIOS.
- Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score >= 750.
- RAM: 8GB or higher
- Storage: SSD (or Fusion/Hybrid Drives)
- Internet: Broadband connection to access games, accounts, and related content.
- Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
If you have the recommended specifications, then the performance of your computer will not be affected all that much. Keep in mind that there will always be a decrease in the computer’s performance since you are running a virtual machine. However, the performance penalty goes away when you exit Bluestacks.
Does Bluestacks Mine Cryptocurrency?
There are a lot of shady programs that use the resources of your computers to mine cryptocurrency for their developers. Mining cryptocurrency severely decreases the performance of a computer and many users have connected this to the Bluestacks performance hit.
We have used Bluestacks on the lower end and higher-end PCs and we don’t think it’s mining cryptocurrency because that would have severely damaged the lower end rig. Other people have reported the same thing and nobody has ever found any evidence of crypto mining.
Is Bluestacks Rooted?
Bluestacks Old Version
![Bluestacks 1 Account Bluestacks 1 Account](https://i0.wp.com/pcbeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/download-bluestacks-for-pc-1.png?resize=618%2C377&ssl=1)
Unlike other Android emulators, Bluestacks is not rooted by default. However, you can root Bluestacks with the Bluestacks Tweaker. However, rooting has its own security risks and we recommend that you do it at your own discretion.
Is Bluestacks Legal?
Bluestacks 1 For Windows 7
A lot of game emulators are deemed illegal because they use pirated copies of the original games. iOS emulators do not exist because iOS is not open source. However, since Android is open-source, Bluestacks is legal. You won’t get into any major or minor legal issues as long as you download apps from the Play Store.
Final Take
So to answer the question: Is Bluestacks safe? Yes, as long as you download it from the official website and as long as your system meets the minimum requirements. We hope that you found this article helpful and informative. What are your thoughts on Bluestacks? Do you have any doubts or suggestions? Please let us know in the comments section down below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.