Ahnlab Asec


  1. Ahnlab Scan
  2. Ahnlab Security
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Ahnlab Scan


Ahnlab Security

ASEC 분석팀은 Nemty, Ryuk, BlueCrab(=Sodinokibi) 랜섬웨어와 Raccoon, Predator 정보유출형 악성코드들이 동일한 외형의 정상 프로그램을 위장하여 유포중인 것을 확인하였다. ASEC (AhnLab Security Emergency-response Center) is a global security response group consisting of malware analysts and security experts. This report is published by ASEC and focuses on the most significant security threats and latest security technologies to guard against such threats. For further details, please visit.